Actor and director Dhanush visited Hyderabad to promote his film ‘Raayan,’ starring Sundeep Kishan and Kalidas Jayaram. During the event, he praised Pawan Kalyan and Jr. NTR, performed the song “Water Packet,” and generated excitement for the film’s July 27 release. Dhanush will also appear in Sekhar Kammula’s bilingual project, ‘Kubera.’
Actor and director Dhanush visited Hyderabad to promote his film ‘Raayan,’ starring Sundeep Kishan and Kalidas Jayaram. During the event, he praised Pawan Kalyan and Jr. NTR, performed the song “Water Packet,” and generated excitement for the film’s July 27 release. Dhanush will also appear in Sekhar Kammula’s bilingual project, ‘Kubera.’