Huma Qureshi celebrated her 38th birthday in France with brother Saqib Saleem and friends like Rajkummar Rao and Patralekhaa. She shared joyful photos and expressed gratitude for the love received. During the trip, she enjoyed treats like croissants and gelatos. Next, she’ll appear in ‘Jolly LLB 3’ with Akshay Kumar and Arshad Warsi.
Huma Qureshi celebrated her 38th birthday in France with brother Saqib Saleem and friends like Rajkummar Rao and Patralekhaa. She shared joyful photos and expressed gratitude for the love received. During the trip, she enjoyed treats like croissants and gelatos. Next, she’ll appear in ‘Jolly LLB 3’ with Akshay Kumar and Arshad Warsi.