Today’s entertainment buzz is on fire! Kusha Kapila opens up about dealing with her divorce from Zorawar Singh Ahluwalia, while Anu Aggarwal defends Ranveer Singh’s daring photoshoot. Ajay Devgn begins filming ‘Son of Sardaar 2,’ Kangana Ranaut visits flood-hit areas in Himachal Pradesh, and Sunny Leone addresses her past as an adult film star.
Today’s entertainment buzz is on fire! Kusha Kapila opens up about dealing with her divorce from Zorawar Singh Ahluwalia, while Anu Aggarwal defends Ranveer Singh’s daring photoshoot. Ajay Devgn begins filming ‘Son of Sardaar 2,’ Kangana Ranaut visits flood-hit areas in Himachal Pradesh, and Sunny Leone addresses her past as an adult film star.