“Akshay Kumar’s ‘Sarfira’ saw a significant drop on its third Monday, earning just Rs 9 lakh, bringing its total to Rs 23.93 crore. The film is nearing the end of its run, with competition from ‘Kalki 2898 AD,’ ‘Bad Newz,’ and ‘Deadpool & Wolverine.’ Kumar’s next film, ‘Khel Khel Mein,’ releases on August 15.”
“Akshay Kumar’s ‘Sarfira’ saw a significant drop on its third Monday, earning just Rs 9 lakh, bringing its total to Rs 23.93 crore. The film is nearing the end of its run, with competition from ‘Kalki 2898 AD,’ ‘Bad Newz,’ and ‘Deadpool & Wolverine.’ Kumar’s next film, ‘Khel Khel Mein,’ releases on August 15.”