Subhash Ghai, speaking to Arbaaz Khan, labeled Shatrughan Sinha as an ‘overconfident’ actor who struggled with punctuality. Ghai, who launched Sinha with the 1976 film Kalicharan, discussed different types of actors in the industry, calling Shatrughan overconfident. Ghai and Sinha collaborated on subsequent films Vishwanath and Gautam Govinda.
Subhash Ghai, speaking to Arbaaz Khan, labeled Shatrughan Sinha as an ‘overconfident’ actor who struggled with punctuality. Ghai, who launched Sinha with the 1976 film Kalicharan, discussed different types of actors in the industry, calling Shatrughan overconfident. Ghai and Sinha collaborated on subsequent films Vishwanath and Gautam Govinda.