“Bad Newz,” starring Vicky Kaushal, experienced a significant drop of nearly 70% on its second Monday, earning only Rs 1.15 crore. Despite a strong start, the film’s total collection now stands at Rs 53.15 crore. Upcoming competition includes “Auron Mein Kaha Dum Tha,” “Vedaa,” “Stree 2,” and “Khel Khel Mein.”
“Bad Newz,” starring Vicky Kaushal, experienced a significant drop of nearly 70% on its second Monday, earning only Rs 1.15 crore. Despite a strong start, the film’s total collection now stands at Rs 53.15 crore. Upcoming competition includes “Auron Mein Kaha Dum Tha,” “Vedaa,” “Stree 2,” and “Khel Khel Mein.”