Marking Friendship Day 2024, Bollywood frontlines Salman Khan and Sanjay Dutt’s longstanding friendship. Salman shared anecdotes on ‘Aap Ki Adalat,’ revealing Dutt’s persistent advice on marriage and amusingly recounting his own attempts to dissuade Dutt. Their bond shines both off and on screen, as seen in films like ‘Saajan’ and ‘Chal Mere Bhai.’
Marking Friendship Day 2024, Bollywood frontlines Salman Khan and Sanjay Dutt’s longstanding friendship. Salman shared anecdotes on ‘Aap Ki Adalat,’ revealing Dutt’s persistent advice on marriage and amusingly recounting his own attempts to dissuade Dutt. Their bond shines both off and on screen, as seen in films like ‘Saajan’ and ‘Chal Mere Bhai.’